• Conservation | Management | Transparency

  • What We Do


    We work ON your business and IN your business to ensure your corporate and strategic ESG goals are prioritized, measured, implemented, and communicated at all levels of your organization and to your stakeholders.

    From implementing sustainability initiatives at local sites to telling your

    sustainability story to investors, customers, and stakeholders, we connect the

    dots and ensure your sustainability efforts are rooted in a solid foundation.

  • Who We Are

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    Gina Beaver (Anselmo)

    Founding Partner

    I've always been obsessed with finding the best way to accomplish a task. In my second year of college, I realized there was a major for that: Industrial Engineering. It turned out there were actual means and methods for determining the optimum way to complete a task - I was hooked.


    I was fortunate enough to have a professor who helped me focus my efficiency obsession on the environment and the impending global problem of climate change. This expanded after I spent a summer working at the National Renewable Energy Lab in 2009.


    Although I enjoyed learning about renewable energy, I decided I should focus my efforts on improving the efficiency of buildings first - because why would you put solar panels on an inefficient building?


    I spent the first part of my post-college career working at a start-up consulting firm and then one of the largest engineering firms in the world.

    I learned everything I could about buildings, HVAC, lighting, control systems, utility bills, and all things energy management.


    I spent the second part of my career working in and learning everything I could about the real estate industry; first at the corporate office of a large mixed use REIT with my now partner, Jill, and then at a real estate consulting firm.


    This path led me to the creation of CMT Partners in 2017.

    I couple my knowledge of buildings with my knowledge of the real estate industry to:

    • save you money (Conserve)
    • Manage your environmental impact
    • and tell people about it (Transparency)
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    Jill Ziegler


    Jill joined the CMT team in 2024. She is a national leader in real estate sustainability and corporate responsibility. Most recently, she shaped Brookfield Properties’ development group's position as a sustainability and corporate responsibility leader by designing and leading the organization’s
    Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) strategy, integrating ESG throughout the business, and communicating the company’s ESG performance to stakeholders. She also contributed to Brookfield’s global ESG efforts on greenhouse gas accounting, ESG reporting, and Net Zero strategy. Prior to joining Brookfield Properties, Jill directed Forest City’s leading ESG strategy (acquired by Brookfield in 2018), worked in corporate communications for Fortune 500 auto insurance company Progressive, and was an environmental analyst at ERG, a mid-size consulting firm in the Washington, DC, area, where she counted the US Environmental Protection Agency and the US Department of the Interior among her

    She is a LEED Accredited Professional in BuildingDesign + Construction (BD+C) with more than 20 years of experience focused on sustainability and environmental protection. She serves on theCleveland 2030 District Board (former chair) and the national 2030 District Network Board. In the past, she has served on Nareit’s Real Estate Sustainability Committee, the Real Estate Roundtable’s Sustainability Policy Advisory Committee, ULI Greenprint's Performance Committee, and Fitwel’s Leadership Advisory Board. She was a founding member of Brookfield Properties’
    development group’s DEI Advisory Council and served on the US Green Building Council’s Social Equity Working Group, which authored three LEED pilot credits on the topic. She received a BA from Miami University and holds a Masters degree in Public Administration/Environmental Science and Public Policy from George Mason University.

  • Services

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    ESG & Corporate Responsibility Strategy

    We can help you set and achieve your goals

    Whether you’re just starting your sustainability journey or readyto take your efforts to the next level, we can help ensure your ESG goals are
    systematized and integrated into your business while allowing flexibility and
    creativity to achieve them. And don’t overlook the “S” in ESG. We create
    solutions that enable our clients to integrate and excel at Diversity, Equity,
    and Inclusion, community engagement, and corporate philanthropy. Services

    • ESG strategy devlopment and planning
    • ESG topic prioritization, validation, and goal setting
    • Peer benchmarking, industry analysis
    • ESG data gap anlysis
    • Materialty assessments
    • Value chain mapping
    • Customer and stakeholder engagement
    • ESG opportunity identification; integration of ESG into existing business practices
    • DEI strategy and reporting
    • Project/program management
    • Policy and procedure development
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    Reporting & Disclosures

    Take your ESG reporting to the next level

    Top-notch, rigorous reporting on ESG strategies and progressis table stakes for any company that wants to ensure it is mitigating risks to
    its business and leveraging new opportunities. Services include:

    • ESG reporting and disclosures, including annual reports, GRI, GRESB, SASB, TCFD
    • Emissions reporting and dislosures, greenhouse gas accounting, Science-based Target setting
    • Website content development
    • ESG rating agency monitoring, coordination, and reporting
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    Green Building and Facilities Optimization

    Leverage data and technology.

    Decades of experience managing and reducing, energy, water, waste, and emissions within large real estate portfolios enables us to plan, budget, and implement strategies that help our clients reach their goals. Services include:

    • Create performance reports
    • Work with site teams to identify energy-saving opportunies and create action plans
    • Development and implementation of Environmental and Social standards for construction
    • Sustainable supply chain, supplier engagement, supplier diversity
    • Green building strategies and certifications
    • Complete independent reviews of technology and other vendors
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    Tell your story.

    We customize communication plans and develop content to ensure your stakeholders understand and appreciate your ESG goals and accomplishments. Services include:

    • Communication plans
    • Content creation for websites, printed materials, and other internal and external communications
    • Industry recognition/awards strategy and application support
    • Stakeholder communications
    • Meeting facilitation
    • Education sessions and training
  • Connect With Us

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